One of the world’s most expensive artworks is Mark Rothko’s painting No. 6 (violet, green and red) which sold for a staggering €140 million. Whenever new price records hit the art world the question that inevitably arises is: what determines the astronomical value of this work? These days the question is even more difficult to answer, given the technological development of the art market, which raises issues around the value of copies of artworks and the artist’s reputation.
Inspired by the work of Mark Rothko, director Łukasz Twarkowski, has created a performance that tries to explore what the new trend of creating artworks in a digital environment and providing blockchain technology really means. How important is the authenticity of the artist’s work in all this? And more importantly, does the way in which we experience live theatre in the real world mean that it’s protected from such claims of inauthenticity?
The central theme of the story is the relationship between fake and original, and paradoxically how this relationship changes in the virtual environment. On the one hand, “ROTKHO” is a distortion of the famous artist’s surname, in the same way in which famous brands are replaced with counterfeits like Adibas or Dolce & Banana. On the other hand, the name simply illustrates Graham Rowlinson’s hypothesis that regardless of the order of letters, as long as the first and final letters of the word remain in place, we can understand the text.
premiere: 12.03.2022

Photo: Artūrs Pavlovs
creative team
director — Łukasz Twarkowski, text & dramaturgy — Anka Herbut, stage designer — Fabien Lédé, video designer — Jakub Lech, light designer — Eugenijus Sabaliauskas, costume designer— Svenja Gassen, choreographer — Paweł Sakowicz, composer — Lubomir Grzelak, camera operators — Arturs Gruzdiņš, Jonatans Goba, director’s assistant — Diāna Kaijaka, Adam Zduńczyk, Mārtiņš Gūtmanis, costume design assistant — Bastian Stein, dramatrugy assistant — Linda Šterna, video design assistant — Adam Zduńczyk
Rohtko — Juris Bartkevičs, Wolt vendor 1 / Orion Anastapolou — Kaspars Dumburs, Actress — Ērika Eglija-Grāvele, Hai — Yan Huang, Actor — Andrzej Jakubczyk, Ann Freedman — Rēzija Kalniņa, Performer and waitress Destiny Hope — Katarzyna Osipuk, Wolt vendor 2 / Domenico de Sole — Artūrs Skrastiņš, Jack Smith – Muesum Director — Mārtiņš Upenieks, Mell Rohtko — Vita Vārpiņa, Journalist James Vulture — Toms Veličko, Tao — Xiaochen Wang
Dailes Teātris — Ginta Tropa
Teatr im. Jana Kochanowskiego w Opolu